Paolo Volanti

Paolo Volanti

Neurologist, head of ALS center of ICS Maugeri, Mistretta

Dr. Volanti is the Head of Intensive Neurorehabilitation Unit and of ALS Regional Referral Center of ICSM of Mistretta. Since 2016 he is the Scientific Director ICS Maugeri of Mistretta, Sciacca and Ribera.

Fields of particular clinical interest: diagnosis and clinical-rehabilitative management of ALS. Current research, publications, participation in congresses, affiliations, awards: research activity particularly aimed at the study of ALS. Among the fields of main interest: epidemiology, pathogenesis and genetics of ALS; role of non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) on survival and quality of life of subjects affected by ALS and secondary respiratory insufficiency; application of high-tech alternative augmentative communication systems (eye scanning) in the cognitive evaluation of patients affected by severe neurodegenerative diseases; application of the brain computer interface (BCI) in patients with disorders of consciousness (vegetative state vs minimal consciousness) and ALS (communication – environmental control); participation in clinical trials.

Current tirals
Phase i
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