Sponsored by Cytokinetics
In the COURAGE-ALS study, we are investigating the efficacy and safety of the drug ‘reldesemtiv’ for the treatment of ALS.
This clinical trial is sponsored by Cytokinetics.
Reldesemtiv in people with ALS
Reldesemtiv was developed by Cytokinetics in order to counteract the decline in muscle function. In a phase 2 study, the drug was tested in people with ALS for a 12 week period. The current study is testing its effectiveness in the longer term and in a larger group of people.
Study design
This phase 3 study is a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study. This means we are comparing the effects of reldesemtiv against the effects of a placebo. A placebo is a drug without an active ingredient, a ‘fake drug’.
Both reldesemtiv and the placebo should be taken as a daily capsule. Participants will be randomly allocated either the placebo or reldesemtiv. Neither the participant nor the research team will know whether the participant is receiving the placebo or reldesemtiv.
The entire study will last 48 weeks. Participants will be examined in hospital 8 times during this period. Participants will receive either reldesemtiv or a placebo during the first 24 weeks. All participants will receive reldesemtiv during the second 24 weeks.
Entry criteria
The main entry criteria for participating in this study are as follows:
- Participants must be between 18 and 80 years old
- Disease onset within the last 24 months
- The participant’s lung function is at least 65%, without the use of a ventilator
- When using Riluzole: a stable dose of ≥30 days prior to participation
- Participants are not pregnant or breastfeeding
- Participants haven’t participated in another clinical trial in the past 30 days
Note: This list is not exhaustive, but these are the main criteria.
Participants can continue their treatment with Riluzole for the entire study duration. Participants can also participate in the study if they don’t take Riluzole.
Participating TRICALS centres

Bellvitge University Hospital
Spain, Barcelona
Monica Povedano Panades
Coordinator of Unit

Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
Switserland, St.Gallen
Markus Weber
Specialist in neurology

CHRU de Tours - Bretonneau
France, Tours
Philippe Corcia
Professor & Chair of the ALS Centre

CHU Dupuytren
France, Limoges
Philippe Couratier

CHU Nice
France, Nice
Marie-Helene Soriani

Karolinska Institute
Sweden, Stockholm
Caroline Ingre
Associate Professor of Neurology

Medical University of Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
Magdalena Kuzma-Korakiewicz
Professor of Neurology

Trinity College Dublin
Ireland, Dublin
Orla Hardiman
Professor of Neurology

ULS Santa Maria
Portugal, Lisbon
Mamede de Carvalho
Professor of Physiology

UMC Utrecht
The Netherlands, Utrecht
Leonard van den Berg
Professor of Neurology

University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe
Spain, Valencia
Juan Francisco Vázquez-Costa
Neurologist, Coordinator MND Unit

University Hospital of Marseille
France, Marseille
Shahram Attarian

University Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière
France, Paris
François Salachas

University of Milan Medical School
Italy, Milan
Vincenzo Silani
Professor of Neurology

UZ Leuven
Belgium, Leuven
Philip van Damme
Professor of Neurology